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Recent Publication List

  • Kumar, R., Maksudov, F., Kononova, O., Marx, K. A., Barsegov, V., Singh, B. R. (2020). Botulinum Endopeptidase: SAXS experiments and MD simulation reveal extended solution structures that accounts for its biochemical properties. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, [30-11--0001]
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  • Monik, S., Mohanty, V., Khan, M., Yerneni, G., Kumar, R., Cantu, J., Ichi, S., Xi, G., Singh, B. R., Tomita, T., and Mayanil, C. S. (2019). A phenotypic switch of differentiated glial cells to dedifferentiated cells is regulated by folate receptor a. Stem Cells,
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  • Kumar, R., Feltrup, T. M., Kukreja, R. V., Patel, K. B., Cai, S., and Singh, B. R. (2019). Evolutionary features in the structure and function of bacterial toxins. Toxins, 11, 1 - 23.
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  • Ambrin, G., Kumar, R., and Singh, B. R. (2018). Differential endopeptidase activity of different forms of type A botulinum neurotoxin: A unique relationship between the size of the substrate and activity of the enzyme. Toxicon, 144, 34 – 41.
  • Feltrup, T. M., Patel, K., Kumar, R., Cai, S., and Singh, B. R. (2018). A novel role of C-tterminus in introducing a functionally flexible structure critical for the biological activity of botulinum neurotoxin. Scientific Reports, 8, 8884 - 8887.
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  • Dhaliwal, H. P. K., Thiruvanakarassu, N., Kumar, R., Patel, K., Ambrin, G., Cai, S., and Singh, B. R. (2018). High Yield Preparation of Functionally Active Catalytic-Translocation Domain Module of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A That Exhibits Uniquely Different Enzyme Kinetics. The Protein Journal, 36, 486 – 491.
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  • Neuronal Signaling Aug 31, 2018, 2 (3) NS20180058; DOI: 10.1042/NS20180058 . Therapeutic use of botulinum toxin in pain treatment.
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  • Raj Kumar, Thomas M. Feltrup, Roshan Kukreja, Kruti B. Patel, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2019) Connection between Structure-function and Evolution of Bacterial Toxins. Publisher: “MPDI-Toxins” 2019,11(1),15 doi: 10.3390/toxins11010015
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  • Kruti B. Patel; Shuowei Cai; B K Singh; Virender S. Parmar; Bal Ram Singh. Natural Compounds and their Analogues as Potent Antidotes against the Most Poisonous Bacterial toxin. Publisher: "Applied Environ Microbiology (AME)", Nov 2 2018, 84(24) 2018 Nov 30;84(24). pii: e01280-18. doi: 10.1128/AEM.01280-18
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  • Ghosal, Kruti B. Patel; Bal Ram Singh; Martha Hale (2018) Role of Critical Elements in Botulinum Neurotoxin Complex in Toxin Routing Across Intestinal and Bronchial Barriers. Publisher: “PLOSone”, 2018 Jul 5;13(7)) :e0199524. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199524
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  • Ghuncha Ambrin, Raj Kumar, Bal Ram Singh (2018) Publication - Differential endopeptidase activity of different forms of type A botulinum neurotoxin: A unique relationship between the size of the substrate and activity of the enzyme Publisher : Elsevier, Toxicon 144 (2018) 34-41
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  • 2017 Jul 25;61(8). pii: e00273-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.00273-17. Print 2017 Aug. Chemoenzymatic Synthesis, Nanotization, and Anti-Aspergillus Activity of Optically Enriched Fluconazole Analogues. Malhotra S , Singh S , Rana N , Tomar S , Bhatnagar P , Gupta M , Singh SK , Singh BK , Chhillar AK, Prasad AK , Len C , Kumar P , Gupta KC , Varma AJ , Kuhad RC , Sharma GL , Parmar VS , Richards NGJ
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  • Harkiranpreet Kaur Dhaliwal, Nagarajan Thiruvanakarasu, Raj Kumar, Kruti Patel, Ghuncha Ambrin, Shouwei Cai, Bal Ram Singh (2017) High Yield Preparation of Functionally Active Catalytic-Translocation Domain Module of Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A That Exhibits Uniquely Different Enzyme Kinetics, Publisher: "The Protein Journal", DOI 10.1007/s10930-017-9744-8.
  • Kruti Patel, Shmuel Halevi, Paul Melman, John Schwartz, Shuowei Cai and Bal Ram Singh (2017) A Novel Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for the Rapid Detection of Botulinum Neurotoxins, Publisher: "Biosensor", 7, 32; DOI:10.3390/bios7030032
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  • Raj Kumar, and Bal Ram Singh (2016) Protein Toxins in Modeling Biochemistry. Springer Briefs in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Publisher: Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-43538-1.
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  • Kumar R, Dhaliwal HP, Kukreja RV, Singh BR (2016).The Botulinum Toxin as a Therapeutic Agent: Molecular Structure and Mechanism of Action in Motor and Sensory Systems. Semin Neurol., 36, 10-9.
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  • Ravichandran E, Janardhanan P, Patel K, Riding S, Cai S, Singh BR (2016). In Vivo Toxicity and Immunological Characterization of Detoxified Recombinant Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A. Pharm Res., 33, 639-52.
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  • Chang TW, Janardhanan P, Mello CM, Singh BR, Cai S. (2016) Selection of RNA Aptamers Against Botulinum Neurotoxin Type A Light Chain Through a Non-Radioactive Approach. Appl Biochem Biotechnol. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Eswaramoorthy S, Sun J, Li H, Singh BR, Swaminathan S (2015). Molecular Assembly of Clostridium botulinum progenitor M complex of type E. Sci Rep., 5,17795 to 18004.
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  • Kumar, R., Cai, S., and Singh, B. R. (2015) Resolution of sub-nano second motion in BoNT/A LC: An evidence of internal flexibility. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta : Proteins and Proteomics, 1854, 321- 326.
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  • Chellapan, G., Kumar, R., Goyal, D., Cai S., and Singh, B. R. (2015) Structural and functional analysis of botulinum neurotoxin subunits for pH-dependent membrane channel formation and translocation. Biochemical et Biophysica Acta ? Proteins and Proteomics, 1854, 1510 - 1516.
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  • Koh, C. Y., Schaff, U. Y., Piccini, M. E., Stanker, L. H., Cheng, L. W., Ravichandran, E., Singh, B. R., Sommer, G. J., and Singh, A. K. (2015). Centrifugal microfludic platform for ultrasensitive detection of botulinum toxin. Anal Chem., 87, 922 928.
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  • Wang, L., Sun, Y., Yang, W., Lindo, P., and Singh, B. R. (2014). Type A botulinum neurotoxin complex proteins diffentially modulate host response of neuronal cells. Toxicon, 82, 52 60.
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  • Patel, K., Cai, S., and Singh, B. R. (2014). Current strategies for designing antidotes against botulinum neurotoxins. Expert Opin. Drug. Discov., 9, 319-333.
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  • Kumar, R., Kukreja, R., Cai, S. and Singh, B. R. (2014) Differential Role of Molten Globule and Protein Folding in Distinguishing Unique Features of Botulinum Neurotoxin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta : Proteins and Proteomics, 1844, 1145-1152.
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  • Kumar R, Patel K, Cai S, and Singh BR (2016). Virtual Screening and ADMET analysis of endopeptidase inhibitors. Bioscience Meeting, Baltimore, June 7. .
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  • Raj Kumar, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Virtual Screening of small molecule inhibitor against BoNT/A LC. Ninth Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 12 -14, 2015.
  • Fardeen Rashid, Zachary Young, Raj Kumar, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). In Silico quantitative structure-inhibition relationship (QSIR) for selected candidates against botulinum neurotoxin A light chain.
  • Brook Spencer, Lindsey Foster, Sara Sabet, Raj Kumar, Kodumudi Venkat Venkateshwaran, David Hodge, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). A combination of isoelectric and ammonium sulphate precipitation enhances detection of BoNT/A in a monoclonal antibody based sandwich ELISA. Ninth Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 12 -14, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Kruti Patel, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Virtual Screening and ADMET analysis of endopeptidase inhibitors. Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia. October 25 – 28, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Wei Ping Yang, Thomas Feltrup, Guncha Ambrin, Tzuu Wang Chang, Paul Lindo, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Sizes and Structures of SNAP-25 substrates and botulinum neurotoxin endopeptidase influence enzyme assays. Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia. Octobet 25 – 28, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Wei Ping Yang, Thomas Feltrup, Guncha Ambrin, Tzuu Wang Chang, Paul Lindo, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia. October 25 – 28, 2015.
  • Lei Wang, Yi Sun, Weiping Yang, Paul Lindo, Bal Ram Singh (2015). Type A Botulinum Neurotoxin Complex Proteins Differentially Modulate Host Response of Neuronal Cells. Ninth Botulinum Research Symposium, New Bedford, MA, USA, August 12 -14, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Jordon Burke, and Bal Ram Singh (2014). Active Conformational States of Botulinum Endopeptidase as Determined by SAXS. Eight Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 13-15, 2014. .
  • Brook Spencer, Lindsey Foster, Sara Sabet, Raj Kumar, Kodumudi Venkat Venkateshwaran, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2014). A Combination of Isoelectric and Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation Enhances Detection of BoNT/A in a Monoclonal Antibody based Sandwich ELISA. Eight Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 13-15, 2014. Ninth Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 12-14, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Olga Kononova, Shuowei Cai, Valeri Barsegov, and Bal Ram Singh (2014). Dynamic Solution Structure of BoNT/A Light Chain Critical for Binding to Potential Inhibitors. Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia, October 26-29, 2014.
  • Botulinum Endopeptidase: SAXS Experiments and MD Simulations Reveal Extended Solution Structures That Account for Its Biochemical Properties
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Recent Posters

  • Kumar R, Patel K, Cai S, and Singh BR (2016). Virtual Screening and ADMET analysis of endopeptidase inhibitors. Bioscience Meeting, Baltimore, June 7. .
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  • Ravichandran E, Davis J, Wang L, Patel K, Kumar R, and Singh BR(2016). Development of recombinant protein based vaccine for BoNT. Bioscience meeting, Baltimore, June 7. .
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  • Raj Kumar, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Virtual Screening of small molecule inhibitor against BoNT/A LC. Ninth Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 12 -14, 2015.
  • Fardeen Rashid, Zachary Young, Raj Kumar, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). In Silico quantitative structure-inhibition relationship (QSIR) for selected candidates against botulinum neurotoxin A light chain.
  • Brook Spencer, Lindsey Foster, Sara Sabet, Raj Kumar, Kodumudi Venkat Venkateshwaran, David Hodge, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). A combination of isoelectric and ammonium sulphate precipitation enhances detection of BoNT/A in a monoclonal antibody based sandwich ELISA. Ninth Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 12 -14, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Kruti Patel, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Virtual Screening and ADMET analysis of endopeptidase inhibitors. Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia. October 25 – 28, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Wei Ping Yang, Thomas Feltrup, Guncha Ambrin, Tzuu Wang Chang, Paul Lindo, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Sizes and Structures of SNAP-25 substrates and botulinum neurotoxin endopeptidase influence enzyme assays. Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia. Octobet 25 – 28, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Wei Ping Yang, Thomas Feltrup, Guncha Ambrin, Tzuu Wang Chang, Paul Lindo, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2015). Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia. October 25 – 28, 2015.
  • Lei Wang, Yi Sun, Weiping Yang, Paul Lindo, Bal Ram Singh (2015). Type A Botulinum Neurotoxin Complex Proteins Differentially Modulate Host Response of Neuronal Cells. Ninth Botulinum Research Symposium, New Bedford, MA, USA, August 12 -14, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Jordon Burke, and Bal Ram Singh (2014). Active Conformational States of Botulinum Endopeptidase as Determined by SAXS. Eight Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 13-15, 2014. .
  • Brook Spencer, Lindsey Foster, Sara Sabet, Raj Kumar, Kodumudi Venkat Venkateshwaran, Shuowei Cai, and Bal Ram Singh (2014). A Combination of Isoelectric and Ammonium Sulfate Precipitation Enhances Detection of BoNT/A in a Monoclonal Antibody based Sandwich ELISA. Eight Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 13-15, 2014. Ninth Annual Botulinum Research Symposium, August 12-14, 2015.
  • Raj Kumar, Olga Kononova, Shuowei Cai, Valeri Barsegov, and Bal Ram Singh (2014). Dynamic Solution Structure of BoNT/A Light Chain Critical for Binding to Potential Inhibitors. Inter Botulinum Research Coordination Committee Conference in Philadelphia, October 26-29, 2014.

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Botulinum: The most potential poison ever known in the world.